Immediate communique
We all knew this day would come but not for at least another 10 years, right Pat?
Pat Spratt started at Hutcheson Sand & Mixes in 1988…. As the story goes, Bob Hutcheson was out west volunteering at the Winter Olympics in Calgary and Jan Robertson our office manager at the time went to Bob before he left to ask for some help in the office. In comes the lovely Pat Spratt to accept the job as “office help”
As in any small office and operation you’re hired to perform a specific job. However, it quickly morphs into a bunch of other light duties and responsibilities. For Pat it was filing, answering the phone, dispatching, helping out with the invoices, etc., etc. I’m not sure how she became our golf course inside sales person or dispatcher however after a while our golf course customers just knew to call Pat and she would take care of everything. Everything from providing information about their previous loads, pricing for the upcoming year, the size of truck delivering the material, directions and asking about their kids, families, the condition of the golf course and so much more…..Pat quickly become the voice on the phone that our customers associated with Hutcheson Sand.
On a personal note I’d like to thank Pat for her support over the past 28 years. There wasn’t a day where I wouldn’t call her at least 8-10 times to ask for information about our customers and she always had everything under control which provided me with a great sense of relief
Pat’s wonderful cheerfulness and her remarkable ability to keep us all organized will be missed around the office but she will always be a part of the Hutcheson Sand & Mixes family and remain a friend to all of us.
The wonderful thing about this industry is that not only do you forge long lasting business relationships but also enduring friendships.
Congratulations Pat on your retirement…. It’s well deserved after 30 years of hard work and dedication!
Angelo Capannelli, VP Golf Sales & Marketing
Don Mackenzie, Chief Operating Officer
Todd Knapton, VP Business Development
Bruce Smith President and CEO
…and the entire Hutcheson Team